Monday, February 6, 2012

Tidbits: February Edition

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A Writer Thing

I wish this month was as sugary pink as advertised on television. For the first time, I'm ridiculously busy early in the semester. That means that when I make it past this month, March should be, in theory, a little enjoyable. 

This Thursday, I'll be participating in my university's first creative writing conference; it's nice to be at home for one of these giant celebrations. The conference is called Blank Pages, a two-day marathon full of panels and readings from all genres. The panel I'm directing, and presenting on, is called "Young Adult Literature Not Just For Young Adults" and that'll be happening early on the first day. I'm excited to be speaking about YA literature, though it's easy to feel butterflies during preparation, you know? My part of the panel will focus fairy tale retellings in particular - why are they so popular, from a reader and writer's perspective. 

There's a grad and undergrad reading happening that night called 6x6; I'll be on my tip-toes in front of the mic, reading a story about a girl who's in a long distance relationship with an alien. 

Well, it is the month of love, isn't it?

Also, I've gotten some great questions on Formspring regarding my writing on Figment, and I'm looking forward to answering them. Some of my blog posts will be answers to those questions, a nice change and, perhaps, a good way to stay on track with my blogging. So much writing! 

Song I Can't Stop Repeating

"Like a Song" - Lenka

For a more melancholy, haunted love song, I turn to Lenka. She's one of my favorite musicians ever, and I can never get enough of her music. This song in particular is so soft and sad with a music box melody:

I can't forget you when you're gone 
Your like a song 
That goes around in my head 
And how I regret 
It's been so long 
Oh what went wrong 
Could it be something I said 

Make it go faster 
Or just decide 
To come back to my happy heart. 

Video I Watched Too Many Times

Oh yeah, Buster Keaton. This clip is from one of his lesser known talkies called Parlour, Bedroom, and Bath. While most of the movie is pretty slow, the interacts that Buster has with the various women (most of them fairly mean) are hilarious. In this montage, he takes the advice the first woman gave him with the lines he yells and the body movements. 

Not gonna lie - I'd love to hear 'em, no matter how corny. My darling, I love you madly! You must leave leave! I cannot live without you! 

Yay, Valentine's Day. 


  1. That conference sounds like such fun! Best of luck with your reading. :) Did you write the story yourself? The concept sounds so great. And appropriately romantic. ;)

    The Lenka song is lovely! And the Buster Keaton video is hilarious! The doorman cracked me up: "Ohh! He's a Mormon!" Hahaha. XD

  2. Oh my gosh, I can't believe I forgot to say this, so I'll do it now: YAY! YOU LIKED HUGO TOO!!! I didn't get to read the book beforehand either. In fact, I knew basically nothing about it because my grandfather only told us the teensiest bit of information, as to not ruin it. Hahaha! Sometimes we just gotta yell these things out. ;)

    Seeing that movie restored my faith in the film industry. :)
